VOA60: June 5, 2023のメモ


The U.S. Navy releases video of a Chinese warship crossing the path of a U.S. Navy ship “in an unsafe manner” in the Taiwan Strait.

▼strait [しばしばStraits;単数扱い] 海峡, 瀬戸《◆通例channelより狭い》
▼the Taiwan Strait 台湾海峡
▼path [通例単数形で](人・車・台風などが進む)進路, 行く手, 通り道
▼unsafe 〈物・場所・行為・人が〉安全でない, 危険な

In New Delhi, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin meets with India’s defense chief Rajnath Singh to discuss security issues and defense cooperation.

▼Defense Secretary 《米》国防長官◆【同】Secretary of Defence
▼cooperation 協力、協同
▼security issue 安全保障(上の)問題、防衛問題

In India, officials send about 100 unclaimed bodies to a medical college in Odisha state after a train accident killed at least 275 people.

▼unclaimed body 引き取る人のいない死体[遺体]

And in Sudan, army and paramilitary forces continue fighting in Khartoum as the United States calls for a truce.

▼paramilitary 準軍事的な, 軍補助的な
▼force [単数・複数扱い](集合的に)軍隊, 部隊
rebel [government] forces 反乱[政府]軍
▼call for O ~を求める、~を要求する
▼truce 休戦, 停戦
